First and second graders take Creative Dance and Movement to understand and value their bodies in action; strengthen the mind/body connection; and increase self-esteem, 动觉意识和社交技巧. Drama is offered beginning in second grade; skills are integrated and developed through scene work and gently taught through exercises that become more complex as children move through the grade levels. 音乐课程是基于奥尔夫-舒尔沃克过程,包括合唱选项, 字符串, 管乐器和乐队. 通过视觉艺术课程, 学生在泥塑中建立基本的技能和技巧, 绘画, 版画, 画, 雕塑和拼贴.
小学体育项目, 面向五年级学生, 强调安全, 公平竞争, 参与, 自信, 技能发展和乐趣. Fifth-grade athletics takes place after school; players practice together and play games against other schools. 五年级的运动有三个“季节”:
人类发展项目包括生活技能, 体育课, 环境和户外教育(EOE)和服务学习. 通过生活技能, 孩子们就各种话题表达自己的想法和感受,并学习调解冲突, 说心里话,用心倾听. The 体育课 program emphasizes teamwork and sportsmanship; physical fitness and mind/body awareness; skill development; and respect for oneself and others. 四年级和五年级的学生参加通宵的EOE旅行,学习加州早期历史和海洋生物学, 分别. 通过服务学习计划, students engage in projects including conservation; working with the elderly; contributing to local food banks; and advocating for those marginalized in our society and communities.
图书馆项目以文学和信息素养为中心,包含13个,000册图书和资料. Students learn about the Dewey Decimal System; use encyclopedias and other reference materials to create reports; and utilize the online catalog to find books and eBooks. 五年级结束的时候, 他们使用地图册, 本年历, 传记词典和电子数据库,为他们的研究报告查找信息. 小学设有STEAM实验室(科学、技术、工程、艺术) & 数学)和其他技术资源来支持学生的学习. 幼儿园和一年级学生每周都会参观STEAM实验室, 二年级到五年级的学生在跨学科的“技术周”期间在那里学习.五年级年度科技合作, “Robotathon,展示了学生设计和制造能够完成一系列挑战的机器的能力.
数学课程是概念性的,具有挑战性的,并以最佳实践为基础. 我们也努力让它变得有趣! 学生们学习如何使用模型进行推理和交流, numbers and words; form mathematical arguments and respectfully critique the reasoning of others; choose appropriate tools to explore and make meaning; persevere in solving problems; attend to efficiency and accuracy in solutions; and demonstrate computational 流利. 数学教学是有区别的,以支持不同的学习者, 采用基于共同核心标准的年级基准.
Students experience a world of hands-on science exploration and discovery; gain an appreciation of scientific inquiry; and develop scientific literacy. 我们向年轻的科学家介绍了广泛的学科和内容,包括生物学, 工程, 设计思考, 物理, 化学和机器人,同时不断努力发展他们的技能, 以及对, 科学的流程. The Next Generation 科学 Standards (NGSS) are referenced to help design classroom learning experiences that are relevant and stimulate students’ interests in science; help them find a passion in the field; promote confidence for the subject; and foster a curiosity and will to learn.
通过社会研究课程, 学生探索他们周围的世界, 在过去和现在之间建立有意义的联系,并了解它们在世界上的位置. 在幼儿园, 学生们从反省自己的身份开始, 逐渐扩大他们的视野,包括不同类型的家庭和学校社区的成员. 随着学生年龄的增长, they explore topics related to social justice and activism; local geography and climate; understanding the lives of those from different backgrounds; and the various civil rights movements that have formed modern-day American democracy.
在低年级,孩子们通过歌曲和故事来听到语言的声音. 他们注重用词和发音, 学习英语和西班牙语的区别. 学生通过角色扮演学习西班牙语, 基于项目的学习, 互动游戏及活动. 每年, 学生们通过合作和创建一个项目来展示他们不断增长的语言技能. 孩子们参与有关文化的对话, 传统, 遗产, 移民与迁移, 以及许多其他与社会正义有关的话题. Students learn about the Latinx diaspora; through their newly acquired language skills, 他们学会用不同的视角看世界.